Sun Lizard Solar Air Shifter -- How Effective Is It?
Works all day and night
When there is sunlight, the
Solar Air Shifter works all day using the sun’s
energy to power the fans. At night it can automatically
switch to mains power to continue generating the air movement.
Moves air at 6m3/min
By moving up to 6m3/minute
of air and circulating it throughout your home, you will
get a much better distribution of temperature, so less
really cold or hot spots. You can take advantage
of the existing heat or cold within your home without incurring
additional energy costs. The air moves so gently that you
won’t notice any breeze, just the more comfortable
Creates 2-3C temperature
Just a 2-3 degree change in
temperature, plus the gentle air movement is often sufficient
to eliminate the need for additional mains powered heating
or cooling. If you do need more heating or cooling, that
is 2-3 degrees of temperature change that you don’t
have to pay for.
Reduces electricity
bills & GHG emissions
Adding a small electric heater
to warm up other rooms could potentially add around $200-$400
a year to your electricity bills as well as the cost of
the heater. This is up to 4 tonnes CO2E of greenhouse
gases as well as the money.
Calculating your solar radiation
Most parts of Australia receive about eight hours of clear skies
in mid summer and about five hours in mid winter – easily
enough to provide a significant amount of heating and cooling.
But Australia is a very large country with varying climate
conditions, so check below to access independent resources
that will tell you exactly how much usable sunshine your house
will receive throughout the year.
To find the potential amount
of hours the Sun Lizard Solar Air Shifter can work for
you in providing free air shifting visit the Bureau of
Meteorology, website, where you can
view maps of
the average daily sunshine hours for each area of Australia and
determine the number of sunlight hours
received for your local area over each month, year or season.
The following table gives typical results for the amount of
hours of clear skies per day received for all major centres.
Average Winter Sunlight Hrs
per day
(May- Sept)
Average Summer Sunlight Hrs
per Day
(Oct – Apr)
6-7 hours
7-8 hours
4-5 hours
7-8 hours
7-8 hours
7-8 hours
5-6 hours
8-9 hours
5-6 hours
9-10 hours
4-5 hours
6-7 hours
5-6 hours
8-9 hours
Effectiveness in my own home or building
You can find out how well your building works with our Sun
Lizard Solar Air Shifter by clicking here assessing your building’s
Otherwise please visit the Australian Greenhouse Office at Your
Home for
more details on making your home energy efficient.
SEE The Sun Lizard
the ABC's
To Sun Lizard inventor Colin
Gillam explain how the
Sun Lizard
work for you
Australia Orders Key Sun Lizard Investor To Leave Country READ MORE